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the SEX podcast

Jan 7, 2022

We talk about a lot of salacious stuff in this podcast, but today, I want to take it all a step deeper. Into our minds, that is.


Now, I know what you’re probably thinking: why is a gynaecologist talking about psychological bullshit? But hear me out, sister, because I see women beating themselves up in contrition way more than I see ovarian cysts, and that needs to stop, stat!


In fact, I’m of the mind that freeing ourselves from the clutches of the dark, twisted sisters that are guilt, shame and regret is the very first step towards reclaiming our inner sexy


In this episode, I’ll be introducing each one of these sisters, explaining how they sabotage our sex lives and how to stop letting them


Things We Learned From This Episode


  • The key difference between guilt and shame

  • Why sexual shame is learned behavior, but difficult to avoid

  • How guilt is linked to sexually transmitted diseases

  • Why absolutely no one is immune to sexual shame